The Golden Doors to Infinity Opening at Govinda Gallery at Montserrat House
Golden Doors to Infinity installation. Photo by Chris Murray.
It was a beautiful day for the opening of the Golden Doors to Infinity installation. It was the first time the public had the opportunity to see Bill Adair’s extraordinary project that he has worked on for nine years.
Here are photographs of the opening event.
Govinda Gallery director Chris Murray with Bill Adair outside Montserrat House. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Collectors Zeid Masri, Basel Dalloul, and Thorne Sirbak. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Artist Tom Meyer marking the “Montserrat House Door.” Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Virginia Satterley with the “Bob Marley Door.” Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Bill Adair greeting Govinda Gallery’s David Murray at the exhibition. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Beth Masri enjoying the opening. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Eric Hilton on the Montserrat House patio. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Paige Rozanski from the National Gallery and Chris Murray. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Govinda Gallery artist Carlotta Hester marking the Montserrat House door. Photo by Chris Murray.
Eric and Marcia Hilton. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Collector Ben Bougenoff and Meily Uribe. Photo by Carlotta Hester.
Graffiti on the “Montserrat House Door” by Kyle Murray. Photo by Carlotta Hester.