Bruce Springsteen, Philip Roth and Billboard Magazine
I saw a cover story from the January 21st New York Times Book Review titled, “Philip Roth is Still Here.” Now Philip Roth is not here, having just passed away, but his writing certainly is still here. At the end of his story on Roth, Charles McGrath interviews him and asks, “What have you been reading lately?” After mentioning a number of authors, Roth says, “How in the midst of all this I came to read and enjoy Bruce Springsteen’s autobiography, Born to Run, I can’t explain other than to say that part of the pleasure of now having so much time at my disposal to read whatever comes my way invites unpremeditated surprises.” I was pleased to see that such an esteemed author had enjoyed Springsteen’s autobiography.
Billboard magazine recently published a terrific story by Steven J. Horowitz about David Gahr’s photographs of Bruce Springsteen and the new book of those photos from Rizzoli. It was a great pleasure for me to edit that book. Here is that story.