Gaelic Football Hero Tómas Ó Sé, The White Heat, and Bob Dylan
I recently met the dynamic Irish football star, Tómas Ó Sé. Tómas played 17 years for Ireland’s greatest sports dynasty, Kerry, and during that time won five All-Ireland Championships.
Eddie O’Donnell introduced me to Tómas on a gorgeous, sunny day in County Kerry. Tómas was terrific company and graciously showed us around the westernmost part of Ireland, which is also westernmost part of Europe and the most beautiful part of Ireland.
Tomas recently had his autobiography The White Heat published (Gill Books). I presented Tómas with a copy of Bob Dylan NYC 1961-1964, featuring Ted Russell’s photographs. Russell’s photographs were featured earlier this year in an exhibition at Ireland’s national gallery for contemporary photography, The Gallery of Photography. Kerry happened to be in the All-Ireland Championship game in both 1962 and 1964 and won it all in ’62 against Roscommon.
Ted Russell’s photographs are available through Govinda Gallery.