Neil Young, Patti Smith, William Coupon, and Frank Stefanko
The Neil Young and Patti Smith concert last week in Washington, DC was an incredible double bill. Both artists were in great form. Patti Smith shouted out “Free Pussy Riot!” giving props to the imprisoned Russian punk band, after a rocking version of her last song of the evening, “Gloria”. Neil Young’s performance was powerful and especially “Walk Like a Giant” with a blistering extended jam to end the song. Both the Patti Smith band and Crazy Horse were awesome. In honor of these two great musical artists I present two photos, Neil Young by the legendary portrait photographer William Coupon, and Patti Smith by Frank Stefanko, featured in his book Patti Smith: American Artist (Insight Editions, 2006). Coupon and Stefanko’s photographs are available through Govinda Gallery.
Neil Young, 1988. Copyright © William Coupon. All Rights Reserved.
Patti Smith, 1974. Copyright © Frank Stefanko. All Rights Reserved.
Great photographs…especially Neil Young: great contrasts, color, and mood!