I so much enjoyed Martin Scorsese’s recent film documentary on the the life of George Harrison, Living in the Material World, that was broadcast by HBO in October, 2011. I also treasure Olivia Harrison’s book of the same title that was published by Abrams at the same time. I was most fortunate to spend an […]
Wertheimer’s Elvis/The Kiss photo mystery solved!
Carlotta Hester’s exhibition covered in The Anglo-Celt Newspaper.
While visiting London for Donovan’s Royal Albert Hall concert a few weeks ago I went to the remarkable Saatchi Gallery to see the exhibition The Shape of Things to Come: New Sculpture. While at The Saatchi Gallery I picked up The Saatchi Gallery Magazine and was delighted to see Mick Rock’s photo of Syd Barrett […]
Herman Leonard, legendary jazz photographer, passes on.
Warhol’s “Ads” exhibit at Govinda Gallery in 1985, 25 years ago last month.
Nicole Miller’s story in the Washington Post about Govinda Gallery’s 2001 exhibition of graffiti art.
Vanity Fair and Washington Life magazines feature Govinda Gallery’s 34 Years on 34th Street.
Sound Kapital: Beijing’s Music Underground opening tonight at Govinda Gallery.
Art critic Paul Richard’s review of photographer Annie Leibovitz’s first exhibition.